

恭喜你,你又有一个新班级要教了! 现在?

A helpful way to approach 课程 设计 is to start with the end in mind – sometimes called 回来wards Course Design.

结束 意思是知识, 技能, 或者学生在课程结束时掌握的能力. 这些被称为课程学习成果,由mg电子试玩app分配. 的 rest is up to you to plan – how can you best use your time with them to help them reach their goals? 如何确保所有课程内容与目标一致?

We recommend breaking the 课程 up into smaller chunks that are easier to manage. AEI also offers a 课程 mapping template inspired by 质量问题 and Culturally Responsive Teaching techniques.



  • 优先考虑课程学习成果,而不是“好知道”
  • 帮助你在课程中保持条理和正轨
  • 在此过程中允许更多的形成性反馈
  • 是更容易在飞行中调整还是在学期之间做出改变


  1. 找到官方课程的学习成果 课程大纲
  2. Devise assessments for each outcome (one assessment can cover multiple outcomes)
  3. 下载 课程映射模板 and break up the 课程 into smaller chunks – called modules – that can be a week, 一章, 或者一组相关的主题
  4. 既然你有了明确的目标,他们需要什么来帮助他们实现目标呢?
    • Add activities that are engaging, interactive, culturally responsive, and give formative feedback
    • 选择当前的、相关的、有文化反应的材料
    • 选择能帮助他们达到学习效果的技术工具


学习成果是捕获特定知识的陈述, 我们希望学生从活动中学到的技能或能力, 课程, 或程序. 它们通过为学生的学习提供可衡量的和集中的目标来帮助我们. 从学习成果作为终点开始, we can better 设计 our instruction and 程序ming to include relevant activities, 与最终目标一致的材料和评估.


A practical approach is to first brainstorm 5-10 things you want your students to be able to do as a result of your 课程, 程序, 活动或服务. 在这5-10件事情中,试着找出3-6件最重要的事情. Having too many learning outcomes presents challenges in assessing all the outcomes, as well as using learning assessment data to make a reasonable number of improvements.


一个学习成果包含一个 适当的动词 (一个动作)和一个对象(通常是名词).

  • 适当的动词 指与域关联的操作.
  • 的 object describes the knowledge or ability students are expected to acquire or construct.
  • 它通常以“学生将能够”或“毕业生将能够”开头。, 但是对于课程水平的结果,你不需要这些词.

在这个模型中, 基于布鲁姆分类法的认知领域, 饼图的每一部分都展示了一个来自“Remember”的学习域示例。, 最低的, “创建”, 最高的, 加上适当的动作动词.

如果你在应用贸易或职业领域创造学习成果, 你可能还需要探索布鲁姆所说的“精神运动领域”. 的 higher levels on this pyramid pair well with judge/评估/critique verbs in the cognitive domain.

对于一个程序, you don’t always need to reach the ’embody’ level; set students up to master harder 技能 on the job. 对于一个课程, 尝试在特定技能上达到“操纵”或“完美”的水平, 专注于掌握基本技能. Use rubrics with specific criteria to help measure a 技能/action at different levels, 把它分成几个部分.


  1. 学生将能够 评估 消息来源的可信度.
  2. 学生将能够 设计 供人力资源使用的数据库.
  3. 学生将能够根据行业标准构建门框


  1. 学生将能够 识别 专业人脉资源.
  2. 学生将能够 反映 他们的行为对个人和社会的影响.
A wheel of Bloom's Taxonomy's Cognitive Domain with the six categories of Remember, 理解, 应用, 分析, 评估, 和创建
Bloom's Taxonomy'的精神运动领域的金字塔,包含关卡“体现”, 善于表达, 完美的, 操作, 按降序模仿


It is not uncommon when creating Learning Outcomes to draft initial statements that could benefit from some revisions. 使它们简洁、具体和可测量是具有挑战性的. 这里有一些方法可以帮助你修改你的结果, 以下是一些可以从修订中受益的结果:

  • Avoid multiple verbs and objects – choose the verb that matches 最高的 level of learning that students can reasonably be expected to achieve in the 课程/程序/activity/service.
  • Avoid using ‘understand’ or ‘demonstrate knowledge of’ as verbs – they are not measurable.
  • Use clear and learner-friendly language that students or the general public can understand.


Once the Learning Outcomes are written, you can start to think about how to assess them. 每个结果都应该以某种方式评估学生的学习情况, 给予反馈并做出改进. 评估方法应与学习成果和水平相适应.

Efficient and effective assessments result in usable data that can inform improvement of student learning. 一些例子包括论文, 期末考试, 实际演示, 观察, 项目或调查.


When choosing an assessment, it’s important to match it to the verb used in the learning outcome. Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning tells you what type of activity will demonstrate the knowledge, 技能, 或者你想测量的能力. 对动词做一个好的评价是恰当的.

A lower level verb like recall or 识别 can be measured with a simple assessment.

A higher level verb such as apply or 反映 will require a more robust assessment.

Performance 技能 are generally measured through practical exams or direct observation.


Formative Assessments give timely feedback on student performance to help them as the 课程/activity progresses. 他们怎样才能继续进步?

Summative Assessments come at the end of the learning 课程/activity to measure their achievement. 他们是否达到了学习成果中规定的目标??


Direct assessments involve looking at real samples of student work or performance to measure achievement of an outcome. 学习是观察、展示或示范.

例子:考试, 小测验, 论文, 直接观察, 项目, 表演, 投资组合, 演讲, 临床, 一些实习课程, 实习

间接评估采用其他方式收集的信息. 这些通常衡量学生对自己学习的看法. 学习是自我报告、描述或感知的.


虽然间接测量没有那么有力,因为它们是自我报告的, 它们增加了学生学习的全貌.


在评估中收集的数据不仅对学生有用, 而且还提供了关于学习经验本身的无价信息. 你将来如何改进这个课程/活动/项目? 它的设计有哪些部分需要注意? It could be the structure, materials (textbook), assessment (exam questions), or something else.


质量问题 在线/混合课程设计是否有国家认可的标准. 它由一个 有42个标准的标题, a set of training 课程s, and a peer-review process for official certification.

mg电子试玩app的质量问题金字塔有三个层次. 第一个层次是训练和意识, 第二次内部同行评审, 以及顶级官方课程评论


质量问题 requires that you wait until a 课程 is mature – run more than 2 times – before submitting for the QM peer review process. 一次认证, 质量管理认证有效期为5年,除非有重大修订, 比如对学习成果或教科书的改变.

想要获得在线/混合课程认证? 不要被吓倒! 我们在这里指导您完成整个过程,并帮助您提前做好准备. 


免费培训 & 准备

圣保罗书院 and Minnesota State both offer free training and support to any Full-Time or Part-Time faculty members who are interested in improving their 课程s using 质量问题.

在MinnState ASA活动日历上查找当前课程


了解质量管理准则, 应用其标准, 并在这个免费的两周在线研讨会上给予反馈. 你 will gain a thorough understanding of evidence-based practices for online/hybrid 课程 设计.


Take one of your existing 课程s and apply 23 of the essential QM standards to it in this FREE 2-week online workshop. 你将带着进一步改进课程的行动计划离开.


Work asynchronously over 5 weeks with other faculty and an Instructional Designer to assess your 课程’s readiness for the official QM peer review process. 通常每学期提供一次, 该队列需要有质量管理培训/经验才能参加.



Active learning gives students the opportunity to participate in activities that enhance their understanding of a subject matter rather than being passive recipients of knowledge.


  • 其他学生 ——让他们通过同行评议一起工作, think-pair-share, 讨论版, 或者小组项目
  • 课程内容 -让学生直接接触新材料-阅读, 需要视频, 论文和其他练习工具
  • 你! 在课堂上提供充足的反馈,允许提问和讨论


  • 尤其是在线教学时, 在最初的几个星期里,花点时间让学生们互相了解
  • 花时间与学生互动,建立信任
  • 如果你以后有更大的小组项目,在学期之初就从小的项目开始
    • 让学生们结对练习吗
    • 把大项目分成小项目
    • Introduce collaborative technology, like OneDrive, in early, low-stakes activities


In 学生参与技巧:大学教师手册, Elizabeth Barkley states that “the greater the student’s involvement or engagement in academic work or in the academic experience, the greater their level of knowledge acquisition and general cognitive development.”

主动学习鼓励合作, 培养批判性和创造性思维能力, 增加了参与度. 它也可以很有趣!


  1. Choose the active learning strategy, making sure it aligns with your intended learning outcomes:
  2. 计划活动并负责后勤准备工作
  3. Set aside plenty of time for instructing students and tell them how this activity supports their learning
  4. 评估结果并调整你的计划